Erum Gonsalves
Aga Khan University, Pakistan
Erum Gonsalves is Manager, Business Process Reengineering at Aga Khan University, a leading tertiary care 660 bedded hospital in a large metropolis, where demand for high quality healthcare is on the rise. During her time in BPR, she has been actively involved with major projects in the University hospital aimed at improving efficiency, eliminating bottlenecks and improving service quality to maximize value for patients. Streamlining the Inpatient Discharge Process was a major project she successfully implemented, facilitating annual bed hour savings of over 100,000 through reduction in discharge process time. This project was also awarded a gold award in innovation in hospital management category at the Hospital Management Asia August, 2017. Currently she is working with the hospital’s Emergency Department to increase patient throughput and Outpatient Clinics to minimise turnaround times. Besides her BPR centric work at the hospital, she has also been involved in various projects with the University