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Amr Mohamed EL-Said Kamel

Amr Mohamed EL-Said Kamel

Ain Shams University, Egypt


Amr Mohamed EL Said Kamel graduated from the School of Medicine, Ain Shams University in December 1984. He received Master Degree in Anesthesia & Intensive Care in November 1988 and Medical Doctorate Degree in Anesthesia & Intensive Care in April 1995. He is a Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care in Ain Shams University from 29th of August 2005. He is a Medical Director of the Intensive Care Unit of EL-Nozha International Hospital and Ain Shams University Specialized Hospital. He is Member of the Examination Boards for Master & Medical Doctorate Degrees in Anesthesiology & General Intensive Care in Ain Shams University


Abstract : Sepsis & Septic shock