Sylwia Nieszporska
Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Title: The common pool resources theory and health system management
Biography: Sylwia Nieszporska
The political and economic past of the Middle-East Europe in the last few decades has taken toll on many sectors of Polish economy including the health system. It has been the subject of many transformations but it is still far from ideal. This opinion has been confirmed by statistical researches and opinions of many experts, which implies problems in managing and organizing the system. Therefore, the search for new methods of management and new structural solutions seems to be a priority. There are a few concepts how to heal the Polish health care system. Among them, there is quite a new idea of creating cooperatives, which unite patients, and medical staff, that was introduced in many countries in the world. This proposition decentralizes health care system and makes management easier and more efficient. This paper aims to describe the conception of cooperatives and to present its possible benefits for the Polish health care system. The substantiation of the introduction of cooperatives to the health care system is on one hand the theory of common pool resources, and on the other hand their effective functioning in contemporary world and satisfying health needs of a society