Chulaporn Sota
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Title: Health promotion model for senior people in community by using social marketing
Biography: Chulaporn Sota
This participatory action research aimed to study the development of sub-district administration organization (SDAO) to be health promoting sub-district administration organization by using social marketing in Kao Suan Kuang sub-district, Kao Suan Kuang district, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. The samples were 56 leaderships were recruited. There were five steps of the processes for health Promotion sub-district Administration Organization as follows: 1) Problem analysis and need assessment of SDAO and community by using AIC technique, 2) Study senior context on health promotion, 3) Potential development for health promotion of leaders SDAO 4) Health promotion support for senior people, 5) Evaluation. The data were collected by questionnaires both pretest and posttest, then data were analyzed by SPSS program. The statistics were analyzed descriptive data such as percentage, distribution, arithmetic mean and standard deviation and comparative internal group were used paired Sample t-test. In addition, content analysis for qualitative data. The result showed that: 1. After implementation, the subjects had mean score of predisposing, enabling, reinforcing factor of leaders higher than before implementation significantly at p<0.001. No significance of practice and role of health promotion support but both are in the high level. 2. Health problems were related to socio economic, cultural and environment, problem-solving guideline should concern about these context. On the other hand, they received welfare, health service, participation in communities and local authority’s concern. 3. After implementation there were various health promotion activity were appear and fiscal year plan and policy formulation were focus of SDAO. The authority’s concern is very important to convince senior people to join the activities and social supporting arrangement by focus on price place product and promotion