Wannapa Chararat
Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, Thailand
Title: Factor affecting blood donation of donor at Sunpasitthiprasong hospital
Biography: Wannapa Chararat
This research aimed to investigate the factors that affect blood of donation at blood bank and mobile blood donation unit of Sunpasitthiprasong hospital. Information was compiled by questionnaire interview from 396 samples of blood donor identify by random sampling method from people donating their blood to blood bank unit and mobile blood donation unit of Sunpasitthiprasong hospital. Analysis was performed upon the results of descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics including the chi-square. The study found that the predominant features of the sample blood donors to be female 18-28 years of age (37.1%), high school graduate (34.9%), seller and farmer (37.6%). Most of them participants get the news blood donation in wire broadcasting of hospital and village, the event of special activity for blood giving as the most important reason of blood donation (39.6%). Most of the participants had moderate level of knowledge (47.5%). From this research found that the factor associated with giving blood are age and attitude towards blood donation (p≤0.05). This research revealed that an increase in age would decrease the intention in donating blood. The constructing program to promote blood donation should provide the knowledge and good attitude on blood donor