Tania S Licona Rivera
National Autonomous University of Honduras, Honduras
Title: Early onset neonatal sepsis; diagnostic value of some laboratory tests Honduras, Santa Bárbara
Biography: Tania S Licona Rivera
Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS) is a clinical situation resulting from the invasion and proliferation of bacteria, fungi or viruses in the newborn (NB) bloodstream, which occurs within the first 72 hours of life. The diagnosis of sepsis and the assessment of its severity are complicated by the highly variable sepsis, and the controls were 40 infants who were admitted as potentially septic, but the blood culture result was negative. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and platelets, initial C-reactive protein (CRP) and control were calculated. Data were analysed with SPSS version 19. Results: It was found that 17(28.3%) NB were women and 43 (71.7%) were men. The VPP of the initial PCR was 5%, increasing to 85% in the control study. The isolated microorganism was enterobacter in 6 (30%) of the RNs. Of the 23 (38.3%) neonates who presented complications; 11 (48%) had positive blood culture and 12 (52%) had negative blood cultures. The discharge condition was medical discharge in 5 (92%) and referred to a more complex hospital 5 (8%) of the neonates. Conclusions: The laboratory alternatives for the diagnosis of EONS in the Santa Barbara Integrated Hospital are few; the fundamental pillar for its diagnosis is the search for risk factors and clinical status of the patient. Initial C-reactive protein is of little use, however the results of this research show that positive predictive value and sensitivity increase significantly at 48 hours, which proves that it, is a late marker of infection