Prachak Bouphan
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Title: Consumer protection performance of health personnel in sub-district health promoting hospitals
Biography: Prachak Bouphan
The main aim of this research was to study the consumer protection performance and its association with motivations and organizational supports of health personnel in sub-district health promoting hospitals, Khon Kaen province, Thailand. Consumer protection performance is a key burden of sub-district health promoting hospitals in Thailand. It is undertaken to enhance the immunity that is affected from deceived products and unsuitable services. A cross-sectional research design quantitative method using questionnaire as an instrument was utilized in this study. A total of 162 health personnel were selected as respondents using simple random sampling technique. The data collection period was from January to February 2014. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of the study revealed that all the study variables including motivation, organizational support and consumer protection performance were at high level. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that motivation and organizational support have significant, positive, and moderate correlation value with consumer protection performance at the significant level of 0.01. The estimated regression equation implying that there are six variables namely material support, motivation factor of work achievement, man support, motivation factor of recognition, maintenance factor of salary and motivation factor of work advancement have an impact on consumer protection performance; thereby qualifying these to be the predictors for the latter. All these factors could predict the consumer protection performance to be 62.5 percent. The obstacles were mostly from the capacity development on consumer protection performance with 71.1 percent.