Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
4th International Conference on Health and Hospital Management, will be organized around the theme “Regnant Medical Technologies Changing Healthcare System”
Hospital Management 2022 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Hospital Management 2022
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Every day, in excess of 115 individuals in the United States pass on subsequent to overdosing on opioids. In the late 1990s, pharmaceutical organizations consoled the therapeutic network that patients would not wind up dependent on opioid torment relievers and human services suppliers started to endorse them at more prominent rates.
• Expanded Medicine of opioid pharmaceuticals prompted boundless misuse of both prescription and non-remedy opioids before it turned out to be certain that these prescriptions could indeed be highly addictive.
• Devastating outcomes of the opioid pandemic incorporate increments in opioid abuse and related overdoses, and additionally the rising rate of infants encountering withdrawal disorder due to opioid utilize and abuse amid pregnancy.
Nurses are positioned to contribute to and lead the transformative changes that are occurring in healthcare by being a fully contributing member of the interprofessional team as we shift from episodic, provider-based, fee-for-service care to team-based, patient-centered care across the continuum that provides seamless, affordable, and quality care. These shifts require a new or an enhanced set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes around wellness and population care with a renewed focus on patient-centered care, care coordination, data analytics, and quality improvement.
History of medicine is replete with both serendipitous discoveries and horrific misadventures and the world today is deeply engaged in combating the latter. A study in the US revealed an estimated death of 2, 20,000 to 4 lakhs per year from medical errors and is the 3rd leading cause of death. Recognizing that health care errors impact 1 in every 10 patients around the world the WHO calls Patient Safety an endemic concern. The Patient Safety issues are all pervasive in the entire patient care process, systems, and sub-systems and across all specialties.
Everyone who needs medicine—to avoid unintended pregnancy, prevent infection, or treat disease—must receive the right drug, in the right dose, at the right time, at an affordable cost. Pharmaceutical Management supports countries in improving policies and regulations, enforcing compliance, and developing robust systems to procure medicines and supplies, assure their quality, store them securely, and transport them where they are needed.
Oral Health is the practice of keeping mouth and teeth clean in order to avoid all the dental problems which arise due to not maintaining proper oral hygiene. In conditions like gingivitis, periodontitis, and dental trauma, such as subluxation, oral cysts, maintaining good oral practice is must. The Healthy People 2020 Project, a federal initiative to chart the nation’s public health issues and develop action plans to overcome them, identifies oral health as one of the key indicators of a healthy population, pinning good dental care to reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, premature or low birth weight, and chronic oral pain.